Installation View. Dimensions Variable. Acrylic, wood, fiberglass, laminate veneer, rubber, solid surface, wool, aluminum, paper, marble, drywall, and cue balls.

Object of the Game
Installation View. Dimensions Variable. Acrylic, drywall, laminate veneer, wood, rubber, wool, aluminum, marble, fiberglass, solid surface, and cue balls.

Object of the Game
Installation View Detail. Dimensions Variable. Marble, rubber, laminate veneer, wood, acrylic, drywall, paper, solid surface, and cue balls.

Object of the Game
Installation View Detail. Acrylic, laminate veneer, wood, wool, solid surface, and cue ball.

Object of the Game
Installation View Detail. Dimensions Variable. Wood, acrylic, precision board, aluminum, laminate veneer, and cue balls

Installation View Detail. Dimensions Variable. Laminate veneer, solid surface, wood, marble, acrylic, fiberglass, and cue balls.

Slow Draw
17 x 23.5 x 3.5in Wood, acrylic, aluminum, laminate, paper, plexiglass, and upholstery nails

Scattered Structure
144 x 192 x 7in Acrylic, wood, plexiglass, aluminum, laminate, rubber, cork, and ceiling tiles

Scattered Structure (Detail)
144 x 192 x 7in Acrylic, wood, plexiglass, aluminum, laminate, rubber, cork, and ceiling tiles

Abstract Cabinet
Dimensions Variable. Wood, acrylic, laminate, marble, granite, fiberglass, aluminum, rubber, concrete, rope, vinyl, and drywall.

Abstract Cabinet (Detail View)
Dimensions Variable. Wood, acrylic, laminate, rubber, plastic, aluminum, fiberglass, granite, and drywall.

Abstract Cabinet
Dimensions Variable. Wood, acrylic, rubber, laminate, fiberglass, vinyl, aluminum, rope, marble, and drywall.

Abstract Cabinet
Dimensions Variable. Wood, acrylic, fiberglass, rope, rubber, marble, laminate, vinyl, concrete, and drywall.

Standing Arrangement
Installation View. Wood, drywall, laminate, rubber, plastic, marble, concrete, fabric, glass, rope, aluminum, fiberglass, and acrylic

Standing Arrangement
Installation View. Wood, drywall, laminate, rubber, plastic, marble, concrete, fabric, glass, rope, aluminum, fiberglass, and acrylic.

Standing Arrangement
Detail View. Wood, drywall, laminate, rubber, plastic, marble, concrete, fabric, glass, rope, aluminum, fiberglass, and acrylic

Standing Arrangement
Detail View. Wood, drywall, laminate, rubber, plastic, marble, concrete, fabric, glass, rope, aluminum, fiberglass, and acrylic.

Standing Arrangement
Detail View. Wood, drywall, laminate, rubber, plastic, marble, concrete, fabric, glass, rope, aluminum, fiberglass, and acrylic

Standing Arrangement
Detail View. Wood, drywall, laminate, rubber, plastic, marble, concrete, fabric, glass, rope, aluminum, fiberglass, and acrylic

A Place for Everything and Everything in Its Place
Installation View. Acrylic, wood, plastic, rubber, aluminum, drywall, fiberglass, plaster, plexiglass, laminate, brick, foam, fabric, and glass. Installation at Smack Mellon (Brooklyn, NY)

Painting Passage (detail)
Acrylic, wood, laminate, mirror, plexiglass, rubber, and drywall installed in private home. 2017

Painting Passage (detail)
Wood, laminate, mirror, acrylic, and drywall installed in private home. 2017

Painting Passage (detail)
Acrylic, aluminum, wood, rubber, laminate, cotton rope, and drywall installed in private home. 2017

192 x 210 x 96in Wood, acrylic, drywall, fiberglass, rope, aluminum, laminate, leather, and fabric. 2017

192 x 210 x 96in Wood, acrylic, drywall, fiberglass, rope, aluminum, laminate, leather, and fabric. 2017

92 x 114 x 60in Acrylic, laminate, wood, aluminum, drywall, linoleum, carpet, plexiglass, fiberglass, found rocks, and faux geode bookend. 2017

Stage Presents
264 x 144 x 18in Acrylic, drywall, foam, wood, laminate, aluminum, plexiglass, fabric, rubber, and plastic on wall (Installation at Penn State University). 2016

Stage Presents
264 x 144 x 18in Acrylic, drywall, foam, wood, laminate, aluminum, plexiglass, fabric, rubber, and plastic on wall. 2016

Bleak Field
96 x 120 x 13in Acrylic, wood, rubber, laminate, plexiglass, drywall, cotton rope, aluminum, foam, and nails on wall. 2016

264 x 156 x 22in Acrylic, wood, ceiling tiles, foam, drywall, plexiglass, nails, laminate, rocks, and plastic on wall (Installation view at Locust Projects, Miami. Image courtesy of Zack Balber with Ginger Photography Inc.) 2016.

144 x 276 x 108in Cork, foam, drywall, laminate, wood, plexiglass, rocks, plastic, Kleenex box, rubber, springs, steel, and hot tub fragments (Installation view at Locust Projects, Miami. Image courtesy of Zack Balber with Ginger Photography Inc.) 2016

Take Out
264 x 108 x 7in Acrylic, wood, drywall, laminate, plexiglass, foam, plastic, plaster, and nails on wall. 2016

144 x 96 x 108in Wood, acrylic, foam, rope, drywall, plaster, plastic, fiberglass, fabric, laminate, aluminum, rawhide bone, and nails on wall. 2016

Bleach in the Eyes
228 x 156 x 8in Acrylic, cotton rope, laminate, wood, rubber, plaster, and paper on wall. Installation at Knockdown Center (Queens, NY). 2015

Blind Driver
192 x 204 x 14in Acrylic, laminate, wood, plaster, linoleum, rubber, vertical blinds, nails, drywall, foam, rope, and plastic on wall. 2015

Faded Fight
126 x 174 x 60in
Wood, foam, laminate, linoleum, aluminum, plaster, acrylic, drywall, ceiling tiles, rope, and nails on wall
(Image Courtesy of Etienne Frossard)

A Night’s Mission
14 x 12 x 2ft
Vinyl, wood, foam, plastic, carpet, paper, glue, rope, drywall spray, linoleum, and acrylic on wall

Hold Still
17 X 11 X 7 FT
Acrylic, plaster, wood, plexiglass, foam, nails, laminate, rope, drywall, aluminum, linoleum, and plastic in the old Morton Hotel Basement. 2014

The Ruin
Dimensions Variable
Wood, acrylic, plastic fiberglass, plaster, aluminum, foam, towels, weights, rope and Kleenex boxes. 2014

Spin Out
12 X 12 X 1FT
Wood, drywall, acrylic, plexiglass, foam, plastic, nails, plaster, vertical blinds, laminate, linoleum, and rubber bands on wall. 2014

Hold Back
18x12x1 FT
Vinyl, acrylic, wood, drywall, foam, laminate, plastic, linoleum, and rope on drywall. 2014

Skewer Shower
9x15 FT
Acrylic, plaster, wood, drywall, linoleum, foam, nails, laminate, rubber bands, plastic, and vertical blinds on stretched canvas over panel
(Installation at the Brooklyn Academy of Music). 2014

Light Weight
Installation View (Light Weight at Mixed Greens, Image courtesy of Etienne Frossard). 2014

Holding Arms
90 x 48in
Wood, laminate, drywall, acrylic, foam, plastic, rope, rock, and hair tie on wall
(Image courtesy of Etienne Frossard). 2014

Column and Ladder
32 x 6.5 x 3.5in and 72 x 6.5 x 3.5in
Stretched fabric, foam, acrylic, and wood. 2014
(Image courtesy of Etienne Frossard)

Light Weight
Installation View (Light Weight at Mixed Greens, Image courtesy of Etienne Frossard). 2014

Light Weight
Installation View (Light Weight at Mixed Greens, Image Courtesy of Etienne Frossard). 2014

23 x 40 x 12in
Acrylic, fiberglass, carpet, plaster, and hair clip. 2014
(Image Courtesy of Etienne Frossard)

Faded Fight
126 x 174 x 60in
Wood, foam, laminate, linoleum, aluminum, plaster, acrylic, drywall, ceiling tiles, rope, and nails on wall
(Image Courtesy of Etienne Frossard)

Light Weight
Installation View (Light Weight at Mixed Greens, Image Courtesy of Etienne Frossard). 2014

The Maiden
12 x 9 x 3ft
Wood, acrylic, carpet, drywall, foam, Linoleum, paper, rope, and hair clip on wall. 2011